Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication

Critical thinking is what decides meaningful communications. Anyone out there can communicate but without the aspect of critical thinking, conversations could amount to nothing. Before one communicates, one has an idea of what they to communicate in their mind, and their ability to think critically on this idea is what allows as much of that idea as possible to be passed on.


Management of the team is one of the roles of leaders, and to manage well, they must plan. This plan then still must be properly communicated to the team or else it falls apart. Expenses involved, importance of projects, are such examples to be conveyed because losses are not just for the individual or team I oversee, but also those above me. It is then my responsibility to have the ability to properly convey myself to my team to prevent any avoidable mishaps.


As a leader, having as much of your idea as possible be passed on is critical. The position of leader puts you in charge and provides more insight into the situation than your team. Ideas you have then become that much more valuable with the additional understanding.


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